This is a picture of my husband and me taken in the mountains in August 2004. We're both at our heaviest ever weights - 221 for me, 235 for him.
We were both 45 and heading down a perilous path of poor health - he with high blood pressure already percolating away and me with a self-loathing that was downright paralytic.
We needed to make change.
Fast forward to August 2009. What a difference 5 years make!
I like the idea that time will pass regardless of what you're doing with it. Taking 5 years to make this change would have seemed untenably long as it stretched into the future back in 2004 - in retrospect, it's happened pretty quickly and I'm glad we spent our time this way. Now we're both thinner, fitter and way, way healthier:

DH is 165 lbs and, here I am about 138. My goal is to be 140 so, this little extra cushion works well for me.

DH is 165 lbs and, here I am about 138. My goal is to be 140 so, this little extra cushion works well for me.
We are committed to maintaining the healthy lifestyles that got us to this fit, thin state and believe we will never again be obese.
Working on this one day at a time together makes that possible. I am grateful that my DH will do this with me.