A sparkpeople blog about being able to touch your toes again after a many year inability to do so has got me thinking about all of the things I have achieved on this journey of recovery from obesity. I thought I would talk about them here in case I ever get the urge to return to my unhealthy past! Having these reminders of what has changed (and why) has been good motivation and celebration through these months of maintenance. All tools at the ready! All hands on deck!
I can touch my toes without bending my knees. I can almost get my hand flat on the ground although I have tight hips so it's hard.
I can squat for a long time talking to a small child or playing with a cute dog and stand straight up afterwards without needing a hand up. My knees make an obnoxious crunchy sound but, they do it!
I can run up a flight of stairs 2 at a time. And still breathe at the top.
I can squeeze through a tight place - this is more handy than you know - cars parked too closely beside mine aren't a worry, I need a very few inches to get through.
I can fit boots over my calves - first time since 1978. This is significant - I plan to buy my first pair of winter dress boots in over 30 years!
I can easily change the water cooler jug at work - hoist it up, turn it over, plug it in - voilĂ - fresh water and no need to wait for a brawny guy to happen along.
I can run 19km without stopping. I'm not entirely sure why anyone would want or need to be able to do this - I'm not entirely sure why I want or need to do it. I just know that I do and I can.
I can get up at 5:30 am to exercise. I used to think 5:30 am was a decent bedtime for a Friday night.
I can laugh at myself. Those of us who suffer from perfectionism don't laugh at our foibles very readily - being able to do so takes courage.
I can make change. I am not so set in my ways that I can't try new things. New ways of thinking. New attitudes and new values. I have always embraced change in my external circumstances - now I can make changes to my internal machine.
I can do 10 full plank style push ups without stopping. I feel like GI-Jane. Without the bad hair.
I can be serene - live without anger or frustration or impatience. I can accept, move beyond, forgive, forget. Releasing negative energy and embracing contentment makes life quieter.
I can sleep all night without heartburn, stress, worry, pain troubling me.
I can bend over to tie my shoes without a change in my breathing.
I can eat healthfully, with satisfaction and delight, without guilt or embarrassment and feel sated.
I can dream. I can set goals. And achieve them.
All of these marvelous achievements! All from a healthy lifestyle that has focussed on my spirit, body and mind. All things I would miss dreadfully if I were to lose them through my own inattention to my needs.
Such strength in 2 little words... I can.